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In 1110 the remains of King Alfred, his wife Eahlswith, and their son Edward the Elder, were borne in solemn procession from New Minster to Hyde Abbey and reburied in front of the high altar.
This walk retraces the route of that procession.
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St Maurices Covert

Cross over Market Lane toward the Cathedral green,

The grassed area between the footpath and the Cathedral is the site of the New Minster. Here King Alfred was buried until 1110 when the New Minster moved to Hyde Abbey.

Founded in 1672 by Bishop Morley, for widows of the Clergy, the property was rebuilt and extended in 1879/80

At the end of Morley College, turn right into Market Street and walk to the High Street.

1. St Maurices

2. Market Lane

3. Cathedral

4. Morley College

5. Market Street

When you reach the High Street, turn left along the Pentice.

Supported on a series of pillars, the projecting and overhanging buildings form an unusual feature of the High Street.

Before reaching the end of the Pentice, take the next right into Parchment Street.

Parchment Street forms part of the 'grid' of streets established by Alfred within the Roman defences.

St Georges Street. Cross at the lights and walk uphill.

6. High Street

7. The Pentice

8. Parchment St

9. Parchment St

10. St Georges St.

St Georges Street looking uphill toward Jewry Street.

Take next right into St Peter Street

The Royal Hotel dates from Stuart times.

Further along and to your left is The Milner Hall.

Through the archway stands the former Catholic chapel of St Peter, now called Milner Hall in memory of the Rev John Milner who built it in 1792

11. St Georges St.

12. St Peter Street

13. The Royal Hotel

14. Milner Hall

15. Milner Hall

Walk past St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, and tun left up the driveway by the church.

Walk up the driveway by the church. Built in 1926 the church features a Norman doorway built into the North wall.

This Norman Doorway was salvaged from St Mary Magdalen leper hospital. Founded in the 10th Century, and demolished in 1788.

Walk to the top of the driveway from the church, and turn right into Jewry Street.

Across Jewry St can be seen the Corn Exchange, now a library, and the Theatre Royal, formerly an hotel.

16. St Peter's

17. St Peter's

18. Norman Door

19. St Peter's

20. Jewry Street

At the end of Jewry Street, cross over the junction with North Walls/City Road into Hyde Street.

This end of Hyde Street has been heavily redeveloped. Walk past the new buildings, and look for King Alfred Place, to your right.

Hyde Abbey House was a famous public school in the 18th Century.

The older part of Hyde Street.

Turn right here into King Alfred Place. The main gate to the monastic precinct once stood here.

21. The Junction

22. Hyde Street

23. Hyde House

24. Hyde Street

25. King Alfred Pl

To your left is the Church of St Bartholomew, and further down to the right, the last visible complete structure left of Hyde Abbey.

St Bartholomew's Church is said to be the last resting place of the bones of King Alfred.

The last complete remnant of the Abbey buildings, this gateway was built in the early 15th Century.

Originally 2 storeys, the entrance to the Porter's Lodge may be seen in the middle, with the Great Chamber to the right.

A view across the lower terrace and the site of the Guest House which spanned the Mill Stream to the left of the photo.

26. King Alfred Pl

27. St Bartholomew

28. Hyde Gate

29. Hyde Gate

30. Lower Terrace

Cross over the stone bridge across the  Abbey Millstream into the Inner Court and the site of the Abbey Church, Cloisters and the most private parts of the Abbey complex. Walk to the end of the road.

Exit here into River Park and turn right along the brick wall.

The site of the Abbey Church, burial place of King Alfred, Queen Eahlswith, their son Edward the Elder, and St Grimbald and St Judoc.

After the dissolution, most of the Abbey was pulled down. During the construction of the Bridewell 3 stone coffins, one lead lined, were found. The bones were tipped out, the lead sold, and the coffins broken up and reburied.

The site of the Abbey Church at the end of King Alfred Place, as it looks today. Follow the footpath, and take the next right.

31. Stone Bridge

32. River Park

33. Abbey Church

34. Abbey Church

35. River Park

Turn ito King Alfred Terrace and walk back to the Abbey Millstream.

Cross the bridge over the Abbey Mill stream and follow the path between the two blocks of flats.

Walk through the gate to the rear of Hyde Barn and through the archway.

A 2nd or 3rd Century black and white mosaic depicting Amyone surprised by the amorous Poseidon. On display under the archway at Hyde Barn.

A view across the courtyard of the Historic Resources Center, looking toward Hyde Abbey House.

36. King Alfred Terr

37. King Alfred Terr

38. Hyde Barn

39. Mosaic

40. Courtyard

A view of Hyde Barn from King Alfred Terrace.

A view of Hyde Barn from Hyde Street.

Retrace your steps back up Hyde Street to the junction with North Walls/City Road.

Wyeth House is a modern building, named after one of the many Breweries that thrived in the 18th and 19th Century.

Further up may be seen parts of the Winchester Brewery, which has recently been redeveloped. On your left is the White Swan, an old coaching house, opposite the Baptist Church.

41. Hyde Barn

42. Hyde Barn

43. Hyde Street

44. Wyeth House

45. Hyde Street

Cross the junction and retrace your route past the Theatre Royal and the City Library.

The building to the left contains some rare and historic wall paintings. Once a Rectory, then Restaurant, the building has been converted for residential use.

A fine timber framed building, currently used as a restaurant.

Located next to a Church, this surviving wing of the Old County Gaol is currently used as a pub

Carry on past the junction with St Georges Street and the Barclays Bank Building, and turn left into the High Street.

46. Jewry Street

47. Jewry Street

48. Jewry Street

49. County Gaol

50. Junction

As you walk down the High Street, look out to the left for a fine old timbered building. This is God Begot House, 1050, a remnant of the once powerful and independent Manor of God Begot.

The Old Guildhall, now Lloyds Bank, opposite God Begot House was superceded when the new Guildhall was built in the Broadway.

Close by the end of the Pentice stands the City Cross, or Buttercross.

Some of the basements of these buildings originally belonged to the City Mint, one of the most important Mints outside the City of London.

St Maurices Covert is a covered area much used for charity sales, demonstrations and exhibitions. At the back of this area is the church tower, with it's Norman gateway, the start of your tour.

51. High Street

52. Old Guildhall

53. City Cross

54. The Pentice

55. St Maurices

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Last updated 31 January 2011